Practical example: Configurator update made easy by platform.
Author: Andreas Fidler
Why the technology of your configurator should always be up-to-date.
We're now used to owning the latest smartphones and technologies every year. What was considered cutting-edge three years ago is now quickly outdated and no longer up to date - especially in the field of electronics and Internet technologies.
We notice immediately when something is getting on in years, works slowly, looks outdated or is no longer the latest technology. Our expectation is therefore to always get and be able to use the latest thing. Due to the constant barrage of stimuli and information, our attention span decreases and our attention is focused on things that look new, modern, and somewhat out of the ordinary. This is also true for product configurators. To avoid being perceived as outdated, losing potential customers, or risking negative reviews due to outdated technologies, it is crucial to use a modern and up-to-date configurator.
It is important to note that configurators should by no means be regarded as a static solution. They also need to be regularly adapted and updated in order to always offer customers the optimal buying experience and at the same time stand out from the competition.
How do I keep the technology of my configurator up to date?
When a platform is used in the creation of a configurator, the vendor provides a standard for all. This makes updates and maintenance easier. A platform guarantees that the configurators created there are always at the latest technical level. Security updates, upgrades,...etc. are automatically applied. Combeenation configurators are of course created on one platform. If you want to give the configurator a new look, the product logic in the background remains untouched. This simplifies the revision immensely.
Custom programming
Don't worry, if you are using a solution other than a platform, the update is also possible. For this, it is best to ask your provider. The effort usually lies in the fact that the configurator must be revised from scratch or created from scratch. Since there is no standard for such solutions and different technologies are used per customer, it is difficult for your provider to classify the current and suitable technology for you.
Update of the M-Tron configurator
Initial situation
M-Tron is the market leader in lift technology and has been using a 3D configurator for their B2B customers for several years. The configurator was implemented in 2019 and the 3D visualization is accordingly somewhat outdated with the technologies used at that time. So it was time for a visual improvement.
At the picture you can see the "outdated" configurator.

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What work has been done?
- The geometry of the 3D models became more detailed, i.e. the number of polygons was increased.
- Use of stronger edge smoothing.
- Dynamic resolution of the 3D viewer based on screen size and device performance.
- Addition of more light sources and shadows.
- Replacement of old textures with new high-resolution textures.
- Installation of an environment
In addition, new functions have been continuously developed and published on our platform in recent years. These are available to our customers and only need to be activated and adapted accordingly. This means that customers can benefit from the latest features without having to invest in additional development work.
How long does the revision take?
For the customer M-Tron the configurator update was realized by one person within two weeks.
What was the goal that needed to be achieved?
The goal was to create a more realistic environment with reflections, light and shadow. We were shown the following configurator as a guideline. The challenge was to make the visualization even more realistic and not to neglect speed and performance like the reference configurator.

What is the result?
The result has convinced the customer M-Tron. The built-in environment, additional light sources and shadows,... speak for themselves. The configurator works smoothly on any device. Who wants to try the configurator in its new splendor itself: M-Tron configurator.
The great thing about it: The complex product logic in the background was developed a long time ago and remained unchanged during the revision. This is by no means a matter of course. Many providers find themselves forced to relaunch their configurator after a few years because the software is no longer compatible with changed requirements or circumstances. Although the product has remained unchanged, the customer now experiences a completely new configurator with an improved user experience.

It is important to use an up-to-date configurator, as the attention span of the user is decreasing and outdated technologies can cause negative ratings and lead losses. The M-Tron configurator was updated by implementing various measures such as improved 3D models, edge smoothing, dynamic resolution, additional light sources and shadows, high-resolution textures and an environment. The update was done within two weeks by one person and the result convinced the customer.
Why should my configurator always be up to date?
It is crucial to use a configurator that is always up-to-date in order to remain competitive and avoid negative effects such as the loss of leads due to outdated technologies. In a world where the expectation is to always get or be able to use the latest, where attention spans are getting shorter and shorter and judgments are being made faster and faster, it is important that the configurator is always up to date.
What advantages does a platform offer me to stay up to date?
The use of one platform enables a uniform standard for all customers. This enables uniform updating and maintenance. This leads to a better classification of new technologies and reduces the customer-specific effort to keep costs low.

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